The Close Connection Between Water And Health

The Close Connection Between Water And Health

Water is the source of life.

In our daily life, we cannot live without water, which is involved in important physiological processes such as human metabolism, nutrient transportation and body temperature regulation.
However, with the acceleration of industrialization and increasing environmental pollution, the tap water we use may no longer be as pure and safe as in the past.
In order to protect the health of the family, water purifier has gradually become an indispensable part of the modern family.

The potential threat of tap water

The tap water we use is usually processed by water plants to meet certain standards before it is supplied to residents.
However, in the delivery process, it may be affected by aging pipes, secondary pollution and other factors.
For example, old iron pipes may rust, resulting in water containing rust, heavy metals and other harmful substances; cisterns and tanks are also prone to harboring bacteria and algae if they are not cleaned for a long time.
In addition, tap water in some areas may also have problems such as high hardness and residual chlorine.
All these potential threats may adversely affect our health.

The Close Connection Between Water And Health